GRI Index
This report contains Standard Disclosures from the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. A list of the reported Standard Disclosures is listed below. All information is fully disclosed, unless otherwise indicated.
General Disclosures
Organizational details
The company operates in the United States and is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. The Doe Run Resources Corporation is a corporation, which is an indirect subsidiary of The Renco Group, Inc.
Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting
The Doe Run Resources Corporation’s operations, as well as the operations of its wholly owned subsidiaries, Soil and Land Services, LLC and Fabricated Products, Inc.
Reporting period, frequency and contact point
Doe Run reports annually on a calendar year basis (fiscal year reporting is noted where appropriate). The previous report was published in August 2023. Any questions regarding reporting can be sent to Tammy Stankey, director of communications, at
Restatements of information
All significant restatements of data and information provided in earlier reports are noted in the particular report section in footnotes.
External assurance
The report is not externally assured.
Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts
Remuneration policies
As a privately held company, Doe Run does not disclose this information.
Process to determine remuneration
As a privately held company, Doe Run does not disclose this information.
Annual total compensation ratio
Not reported
Embedding policy commitments
Doe Run’s Employee Handbook and Standards of Business Conduct provide employment policies and guidance as to how employees should conduct themselves at work and while representing Doe Run. Doe Run’s Corporate Governance and Management Approaches set forth descriptions of other policies and practices to which the company adheres. These documents are reviewed by the executive committee and updated as appropriate.
Compliance with laws and regulations
In 2023, Doe Run paid $505,632 in fines and penalties relating to compliance with environmental health and safety regulations, including a final installment payment of $354,368 to settle allegations of non-compliance of environmental laws and regulations, stemming from a 2019 agreement (revised in 2021) with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and $147,964 related to multiple allegations of non-compliance with various MSHA regulatory requirements.
Membership associations
The Doe Run Company participated on the boards and/or committees for a variety of industry organizations in 2023, including:
Associated Industries of Missouri
National Mining Association
Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
Women of the Global Battery Industry
Association of Battery Recyclers
Engineer Geoscientists Manitoba
Society of Mining Engineers
Collective bargaining agreements
Material Topics
201-1 (G4-EC1)
Direct economic value generated and distributed
Financial Highlights (Partially Disclosed)
203-1 (G4-EC7)
Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services supported
In 2023 Doe Run provide $199,077 in community infrastructure support including subsidizing multiple tenants’ rent in a shopping center and dental office, and subsidizing the Viburnum and Herculaneum golf clubs.
204-1 (G4-EC9)
Proportion of spending on local suppliers at significant locations of operation
In 2023, Doe Run supported Missouri businesses by spending more than $178 million with 572 Missouri vendors. This accounts for 46% of total company spending.
301-2 (G4-EN2)
Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials
Occupational Health and Safety Management
403-1 (G4-LA6)
Type and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities
Health and Safety Performance (Partially Disclosed)
Training and Education
404-1 (G4-LA9)
Average hours of training per year per employee
Workforce Training (Partially Disclosed)
Local Communities
413-1 (G4-SO1)
Local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs
All operations implement a localized community engagement plan.