Doe Run Scholarship Recipients Tour Mine as Part of Missouri S&T Explosives Camp
16 Jul 2019
The Doe Run Company (Doe Run) awarded two full scholarships to two recipients, Keara Brickey from Bunker High School and Tanner Morgan from West County High School, to attend the Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) 2019 Summer Explosives Camp in June. As part of the camp, students toured one of Doe Run’s mines to see firsthand how skills they’ve learned apply to mining careers.
Pictured (left to right): Steve Kearns, general mine supervisor at Doe Run’s Brushy Creek Mine; Keara Brickey, Bunker High School; Tanner Morgan, West County High School; Jimmie E. Taylor, supervisor, Experimental Mine at Missouri S&T; and Dr. Paul Worsey, associate chair of Explosives Engineering and director of Experimental Mine at Missouri S&T.